Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A visit to the Brisbane Boys' College

The second Interact club I presented to was at the Brisbane Boys' College in Toowong. It's an all-boys school, and most of the boys in the Interact club were in year 11 or 12. I didn't realize how odd I looked walking around that campus until the very sweet and proper and Interact club president was walking me through the crowded schoolyard during the end of the lunch period to direct me back to the train station. He was carrying my backpack and laptop for me, and as we passed every various clique wrapping up their lunch hour, the chants and yells of "Isaac! Isaac! Hey Isaac" got louder and louder and more frequent. Isaac just kind of smiled and tried to ignore his friends, but I had to break the tension and say "Wow, you're pretty popular around here, Isaac." With a meek voice he looked up and replied, "No, I think it's you, Miss!" Guess these boys don't see many girls ever on campus!

Me and the boys of the BBC Interact club:
(Year 11s are in green, the Year 12s are in white.)


  1. Good to know that teenage boys are the same everywhere, no matter how sweet and proper they look. Miss you. xoxo

  2. hello there, I have a question, when is the start the school year in brisbane boys' college huh? and when it ends? how about your vacation? thanks, I hope you'll answer this

  3. Isaac, you the man!
