Friday, December 9, 2011

Adventuring "across the ditch!"

To celebrate being completely done with all courses and assignments for my master's degree (wooohooo!!), my boyfriend flew in from Los Angeles and we roadtripped around New Zealand! It is hands down one of the most stunning places in the world--the sky, the water, and the grass are all vibrant hues like I've never before seen and can't imagine seeing again anywhere else. 

We roadtripped in an obnoxious green and purple Jucy campervan. It was actually cheaper than a normal rental car, and being able to pull over whenever we wanted at many of the national campgrounds and be fully equipped with a bed, a stove, a refrigerator, utensils, table and chairs, linens and towels, and even a sink and dishwashing supplies, was such a nice, carefree way to travel. The South Island is very conducive for this sort of travel--staying in these campgrounds were only NZ$6 per person!

We flew into Christchurch (on the South Island), but because the city is still struggling to recover from its recent earthquakes, we drove on to camp at the base of Mt. Cook! 
We had to stop ourselves from pulling over at every picture perfect vista... we would've never made it to our destinations!

It was already hitting dusk so this photo doesn't do it justice, but Lake Tekapo by Mt. Cook literally GLOWED an unnatural shade of turquoise. Unbelievable. 

I borrowed this photo from my friend and fellow Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar to Australia, Katie Stjernholm, as she went to New Zealand only a week after me! In the sunlight... it's unreal.

However, we were a bit unprepared for the weather that lay ahead of us at the higher altitudes: SNOW! And this is in November, which is Autumn/Summer in the Southern Hemisphere... I had been in a strapless dress the day before in Australia!
Yes, snow is FALLING as we're trying to cook dinner in our van! Poor Doug's feet were not prepared to stand in several feet of snow.

Good morning, sunshine!

Our campground. Oops.

However, waking up to this view of the sunrise seemingly setting Mt. Cook on fire was well worth the cold, sleepless night in a poorly insulated van!

Next, we were off to Queenstown, the adventure sports capital of the world! However, we didn't do any sky diving or bungee jumping (Queenstown is where bungee jumping historically originated). I'm pretty sure I signed a paper for Rotary International stating that I would not do anything life threatening like sky dive! However, maybe I'm just a wimp but I probably wouldn't have done it anyway! :)


The lakes and rivers were such unique shades of greens and turquoises due to the light colored stones underneath

We took a day trip to Milford Sound, which was absolutely stunning despite our foggy weather. Unfortunately, though, all the winding mountain roads took its toll on us after days on end. Luckily, every view was well worth any car sickness!
I am an avid anti-fan of The Lord of the Rings, but even I found myself remarking at some striking, mystical views and saying "That is SO Lord of the Rings". (I've only ever seen brief parts of one movie... so I may be way off with this one. But the trilogy was filmed throughout New Zealand and the Queenstown area and around Wellington!)

We saw wild penguins!

Milford Sound

Being dorky on the Milford Sound cruise...

Next we headed North along the West Coast to see Fox Glacier. 
Fox Glacier behind us

This is not photoshopped! Most of New Zealand seemed supernatural

We took a ferry from the South Island over to Wellington on the North Island! We got to take our beloved Jucy van with us, too.
City of Wellington from the Mt. Victoria lookout

 Wellington waterfront... Wellington was very cold and wet. We had fun there in this very hipster city, but unlike most people around here, I would definitely not say Wellington is "THE place to go in New Zealand"... the South Island's glowing lakes and sweeping mountain views are unmatchable! 

We learned a bit about Maori culture at the Te Papa museum in Wellington

Then we went headed north to see some geothermal activity at Lake Taupo and Rotorua!
"Craters of the Moon" walk near Lake Taupo

Beautiful moonrise near Rotorua

The North Island Coromandel beaches were stunning. I can't believe just days prior I was in a down jacket in snow, when here we are in shorts soaking up some sun!

Looking out at Cathedral rock with Cook's Beach below.

This is at Hot Water Beach where natural hot springs bubble up through the sand and you can dig yourself a little hole and mix some cold ocean water with the hot spring water and create your own natural beach spa! As you can see, it was quite crowded so we didn't stay for too long, but it was fun to try it out. Also, you have to be really careful! That water is HOT! We would walk along and happen to come across some bubbles in the sand and scorch our toes. Very bizarre, but very fun!

The amazing roadtrip eventually came to an end in Auckland. As a surprise graduation present, Doug treated me to a delicious dinner at the rotating restaurant at the top of the Auckland Sky Tour!

Aussies and Kiwis love to tease each other--about their similar but different accents and Kiwis having weird humor--so it was fun to see what all the Aussies' benevolent jokes were about their "cousins across the ditch"! In conclusion: New Zealand was so stunning, every single local Kiwi was unbelievably friendly, and the food, wine and beer were great! I definitely hope to go back when I can stay even longer. 

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